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Tommie Barfield elementary school

young girl puts hand up skirt and screems aryan children

This is a picture of a young girl putting her hand up her skirt. This is NOT a picture of Leighton Meester I am in this picture right behind a blonde girl who is screaming and has her hand down her pants. I have no idea where this girl is now nor do I remember any of this happening. Maybe she grew up and continued to do the same thing as an adult. I tried to start a Tommie Barfield Elementary School facebook group page but it didn't really take off and instead became inactive due to a lack of participation.

I am proud to have attended and graduated from Tommie Barfield elementary school. For me it was a time of developing and experimentation. Although I only attended Tommie Barfield elementary school until 5th grade, I was admired and well liked by the teachers and the students, or at least I hope that I was!
I have great memories from when I used to live in Marco Island. I can remember how carefree and joyful it was to be a kid at that age. There were no worries, and no responsibilities. Life was great! My family was really good friends with the Meesters. My dad used to work with Doug Meester. So naturally I was friends with Leighton Meester before she was a big star on Gossip Girl because we went to the same school and were about the same age.
The address of Tommie Barfield High is 101 Kirkwood Street Marco Island, FL 34145-3921 (239) 394-3359. Tommie Barfield elementary school was established before 1980. It is also within Marco Island Florida. Everyone who graduates from Tommie Barfield elementary school is proud to call it home.

Last Modified: Friday February 03, 2023